Tria Authentication SDK
You can install the SDK using npm or yarn:
Copy npm install @tria-sdk/authenticate-web
Copy yarn add @tria-sdk/authenticate-web
Importing the AuthManager
First, import the AuthManager
class from the SDK:
Copy import { AuthManager } from '@tria-sdk/authenticate-web';
Initializing the AuthManager
Create an instance of the AuthManager
with the required options:
Copy const authManager = new AuthManager({
analyticsKey: {
clientId : "string",
projectId : "string"
// Required: Provided by Tria
the analytics key object is to be provided by tria. please request for your client id and project id from us.
Configuring the AuthManager
Configuration Options
Configuration options are blockchain related configurations. Sepolia is set as the default chain and the minimum required option is the chain.
The TriaConfigOptions
interface allows you to configure the following properties:
chain [string]
: The blockchain network (e.g., 'MUMBAI', 'POLYGON').
environment [string]
: The environment ('testnet' or 'mainnet').
dappDetails [object]
: An object containing your Dapp's domain and logo.
aa [object]
: Optional Anti-Addiction details.
rpcUrl [string]
: Optional RPC URL for the blockchain network.
supportedChains [string array]
: An array of strings containing the supported chains
Copy authManager.configure({
chain: "SEPOLIA", // required
environment: "mainnet",
aa?: {
supportAa: false;
pimlicoApiKey?: abcabc;
isSponsored?: false;
sponsorshipPolicyId?: abcabc;
sponsorshipPolicyIds?: mumbai;
rpcUrl: "",
dappDomain?: https://localhost:3000/;
dappLogo?: https://something;
UI Configuration Options [Login component]
These are the configuration options to customize the Login components UI. Ability to hide and display parts of the UI as well as change the text on certain parts of the login flow and the buttons as well.
Copy // object types
interface UIConfig {
dappName?: string;
showLogo?: boolean;
logoText?: string;
logoUrl?: string;
showPoweredByTria?: boolean;
googleButtonText?: string;
twitterButtonText?: string;
appleButtonText?: string;
phoneOtpButtonText?: string;
allowExternalWallets?: boolean;
showDivider?: boolean;
showHeadingPill?: boolean;
signupHeadingText?: string;
signupSubHeadingText?: string;
signupRetryInfoText?: string;
signupRetryText?: string;
usernameHeadingText?: string;
usernameSubHeadingText?: string;
otpBgColor?: string;
otpTextColor?: string;
otpBoxBgColor?: string;
darkIcons?: boolean;
// usage
darkMode: false,
allowExternalWallets: true,
showDivider: true,
showLogo: true,
showPoweredByTria: true,
otpBgColor: "#ffffff",
otpTextColor: "#000000",
otpBoxBgColor: "#e5e5e5",
darkIcons: true,
Customizing the styles for the Login component
The css variables for the login component can be updated with the setAuthUIStyling method. An example is provided below along with the variables that can be changed and the default values that are currently set
Copy --primary-color: #7d40ff;
--bg-color-primary: #101010;
--bg-color-tertiary: #ffffff;
--text-color-primary: #ffffff;
--text-color-secondary: #d1d5db;
--text-color-tertiary: #000000;
--text-extra-small: 12px;
--text-small: 14px;
--text-base: 16px;
--text-large: 20px;
--button-bg-email: #171717;
--button-bg-email-hover: #121212;
--button-bg-twitter: #262626;
--button-bg-twitter-hover: #1f1f1f;
--button-bg-google: #3b82f6;
--button-bg-google-hover: #2371ef;
--button-bg-apple: #171717;
--button-bg-apple-hover: #121212;
--button-bg-tertiary: #ffffff;
--info-pill-bg: rgba(190, 24, 93, 0.1);
--info-pill-text-color: rgba(244, 63, 94, 0.9);
--info-pill-padding-left: 6px;
--info-pill-padding-right: 6px;
--info-pill-padding-top: 2px;
--info-pill-padding-bottom: 2px;
--pill-bg: #262626;
--pill-border-radius: 9999px;
--pill-padding-left: 16px;
--pill-padding-right: 16px;
--pill-padding-top: 4px;
--pill-padding-bottom: 4px;
--toggle-bg: #262626;
--input-bg-primary: #262626;
--input-border-radius: 9999px;
--input-padding-left: 16px;
--input-padding-right: 16px;
--input-padding-top: 6px;
--input-padding-bottom: 6px;
--header-font-size: 16px;
--sub-header-font-size: 16px;
--modal-width: 448px;
--modal-height: 840px;
--modal-scale-sm: 0.6;
--modal-scale: 0.7;
--modal-scale-md: 0.8;
--modal-scale-lg: 0.9;
--modal-scale-xl: 1;
--modal-scale-2xl: 1.1;
--border-size-primary: 1px;
--border-radius-primary: 16px;
--border-color-primary: rgba(167, 139, 250, 0.3);
--padding-primary: 16px;
--button-border-radius: 12px;
--button-height: 100%;
--button-width: 100%;
--button-padding: 12px;
--button-submit-bg: #ffffff;
--button-submit-border-radius: 9999px;
--button-submit-height: auto;
--button-submit-width: 6rem;
--button-submit-padding: 0px;
--phone-input-bg: #171717;
--phone-input-border-radius: 9999px;
--phone-input-padding-left: 88px;
--phone-input-padding-right: 16px;
--phone-input-padding-top: 6px;
--phone-input-padding-bottom: 6px;
--phone-input-code-bg: #262626;
--phone-input-code-border-radius-left: 9999px;
--phone-input-code-border-radius-right: 0px;
--country-dropdown-bg: #262626;
--country-dropdown-border-radius: 16px;
--country-dropdown-padding: 16px;
--country-dropdown-bg-hover: #171717;
--country-dropdown-search-bg: #171717;
--country-dropdown-search-border-radius: 8px;
--scrollbar-thumb-color: #888;
--scrollbar-track-color: #171717;
--scrollbar-thumb-color-hover: #555;
--divider-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.1);
// white mode
"modal-height": "auto",
"primary-color": "#7d40ff",
"bg-color-primary": "#ffffff",
"bg-color-tertiary": "#f5f5f5",
"text-color-primary": "#000000",
"text-color-secondary": "#000000",
"text-color-tertiary": "#ffffff",
"button-bg-email": "#f5f5f5",
These are the configuration options to customise the UI of the transaction popups, approval for signing message, sending transactions, minting NFTs approval and other relevant popups.
Copy // object types
interface TransactionsUIConfig {
darkMode?: boolean;
primaryColor?: string;
secondaryColor?: string;
primaryFontColor?: string;
secondaryFontColor?: string;
backgroundGridColor?: string;
buttonPrimaryColor?: string;
buttonSecondaryColor?: string;
buttonFontPrimaryColor?: string;
buttonFontSecondaryColor?: string;
borderColor?: string;
balanceLabel?: string;
feeLabel?: string;
totalCostLabel?: string;
sendLabel?: string;
signLabel?: string;
showUserCard?: boolean;
approveButtonLabel?: string;
rejectButtonLabel?: string;
// usage
authManager.configureTransactionsUI({ darkMode: false });
Wallet UI Configuration Options [Embedded Wallet]
These are the customisable properties for the embedded wallet. The wallet currently only has limited customization options. as of now switching between light mode and dark mode is possible and the primary color can be changed. This changes the glow color of the logo of the embedded wallet as well as the home page card background color when the wallet is open.
Copy // object types
interface WalletUIConfig {
darkMode: boolean;
primaryColor: string;
// usage
darkMode: false,
primaryColor: "#7D40FF",
Using AuthManager Methods
To prompt the user to log in, call the login
Copy const response = await authManager.login();
// console.log(response)
The response structure is shown below
interface LoginResponse {
method: string; // login or signup
success: boolean; // success or false
platform: string; // google twitter etc
name: string;
loginId: string;
sessionToken?: string; // session token will be provided only on signups
account?: Account | null;
interface Account = {
triaName: string | null;
evm: {
address: string;
nonEvm: [
chainName: string;
address: string;
aa: {
address: string;
Validating the Session token
The session token is a unique token provided so that clients can verify the logged in user. this is unique to each user and generated on the backend. Upon login or signup a session token is returned from the login method so that the authenticated user can be validated. This token is short lived.
Copy try {
const data = {
triaName : "myTriaName",
code : "mySessionToken"
const response = await fetch("", {
method: "POST",
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
body: JSON.stringify(data),
const result = await response.json();
console.log("Success:", result);
} catch (error) {
console.error("Error:", error);
// result data type on success
const result = {
"isAuthenticate": true,
"uuid": "4bdd1c63-f6a9-4363-88bf-b10d7e7ca14a",
"triaName": "paroxi3187@tria"
// result data type on failure
const result = {
"isAuthenticate": false,
To log the user out, call the disconnect
Copy await authManager.disconnect();
Get Account
To get the user's account information, call the getAccount
Copy const account = authManager.getAccount();
This method returns an Account
object with the following properties:
: The user's Tria username.
: An object containing the user's EVM-compatible address.
: An object containing the user's non-EVM-compatible address.
Check Authentication Status
To check if the user is authenticated, call the isAuthenticated
Copy const isAuthenticated = authManager.isAuthenticated();
This method returns a boolean indicating whether the user is logged in.
Send Transaction
To send a transaction, call the send
method with the amount, recipient address, and optional token address:
Copy await authManager.send(amount, recipientAddress, tokenAddress);
Sign Message
To sign a message, call the signMessage
method with the message:
Copy const signature = await authManager.signMessage(message);
Write Contract
To write to a smart contract, call the writeContract
method with the contract details and optional payment token:
Copy await authManager.writeContract(contractDetails, payToken);
Read Contract
To read from a smart contract, call the readContract
method with the contract details:
Copy const result = await authManager.readContract(contractDetails);
Send NFT
To send an NFT, call the sendNft
method with the recipient's Tria name and NFT details:
Copy await authManager.sendNft(recipientTriaName, nftDetails);
To approve a spender to spend an amount of user's erc20 token:
Copy await approve(calldata: ApproveParams);
Check Token Allowance
To check allowance of a erc20 token for spender:
Copy await checkTokenAllowance(calldata: CheckTokenAllowanceParams);
Broadcast Transaction
To broadcast a txnObject to a chain:
Copy await broadcastTransaction(calldata: BroadcastTxnParams);
Get Bridge Quote (Refer connect sdk
section for types)
To get a quote for a bridge txn and use the allowanceTarget and allowanceValue to check for allowance and approve the token:
Copy await getBridgeQuote(calldata: BridgeParams);
Create a Bridge Transaction
To create a txn object for the bridge transaction:
Copy await createBridgeTxn(calldata: BridgeParams);
Cancel Bridge Txn
To cancel a transaction using the orderId returned in the quote and create txn responses:
Copy await cancelBridgeTxn(calldata: CancelBridgeTxnParams);
📝 Refer the connect sdk actions here for types and responses.
Event Listeners
You can listen to login and logout events by adding event listeners:
Copy authManager.addEventListener('TRIA_LOGIN', (event) => {
// Handle login event
authManager.addEventListener('TRIA_LOGOUT', (event) => {
// Handle logout event
Removing Event Listeners
To remove an event listener, use the removeEventListener
Copy authManager.removeEventListener('TRIA_LOGIN', loginHandler);
authManager.removeEventListener('TRIA_LOGOUT', logoutHandler);
Here's an example of how you might use the Tria Authentication SDK in a web application:
Copy import { AuthManager } from '@tria-sdk/authenticate-web';
const authManager = new AuthManager({
metaToken: 'your-meta-token',
// Prompt user to log in
const response = await authManager.login();
// Check if user is logged in
if (authManager.isAuthenticated()) {
console.log('User is logged in');
CDN Usage
If you dont use npm as a package manager and want to simply use our cdn link to the package to use it on a static html page then follow the instructions below.
The cdn link for the package is as follows. It would be appropriate to use specific versions instead of @latest so as to keep breaking changes to a minimal if any. The package must be used inside a script tag declared as a module type. Please follow the provided example below. Examples for basic methods are provided. Further configurations are mentioned in the usage section of this document along with types, methods and parameters for the methods.
Copy <!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />
<script type="module">
// step 1 - declare the script as a module
// step 2 - import the auth manager class from the cdn package
import { AuthManager } from "";
// step 3 - initialise the auth manager class with your credentials
const authManager = new AuthManager({
analyticsKeys: {
clientId: "abc123",
projectId: "abc123",
// step 4 - configure chain related settings
chain: "SEPOLIA",
environment: "testnet",
triaStaging: false,
// optional AA parameters
aa: {
pimlicoApiKey: "af86d1ab-0dc4-4be7-96eb-ce9fc9fd48c0",
isSponsored: true,
sponsorshipPolicyIds: {
FUSE: "sp_cheerful_thing",
POLYGON: "sp_slim_namor",
accountType: "Etherspot",
// step 4 - configure UI if needed
darkMode: true,
allowExternalWallets: true,
// optional: configure UI on transaction pages
authManager.configureTransactionsUI({ darkMode: false });
// optional: configure UI for wallet
darkMode: true,
primaryColor: "#7D40FF", // glow color
// Login function
function login() {
authManager.login().then((result) => {
console.log("Login:", result);
// Disconnect function
function disconnect() {
// Sign message function
function signMessage() {
const message = document.getElementById("sign-input").value;
authManager.signMessage(message).then((result) => {
console.log("Signed message:", result);
// Get account function
function getAccount() {
const account = authManager.getAccount();
console.log("Account:", account);
// Send transaction function
function sendTransaction() {
const amount = 0.000001;
const recipientAddress = "0x59f7843B267E79ea51B687a04Ef497bA240E7B26";
authManager.send(amount, recipientAddress).then((result) => {
console.log("Transaction sent:", result);
// Write contract function
function writeContract() {
const contractDetails = {
contractAddress: "0xFfC6F3186985e963821D3E30Cdb2ec4c0bE110e5",
abi: [
inputs: [
{ internalType: "uint256", name: "_tokenId", type: "uint256" },
{ internalType: "uint256", name: "_amount", type: "uint256" },
{ internalType: "address", name: "_claimer", type: "address" },
name: "airdropCoupon",
outputs: [],
stateMutability: "nonpayable",
type: "function",
functionName: "airdropCoupon",
args: [
authManager.writeContract(contractDetails).then((result) => {
console.log("Contract written:", result);
// read contract function
function readContract() {
const contractDetails = {
contractAddress: "0xFfC6F3186985e963821D3E30Cdb2ec4c0bE110e5",
abi: [
inputs: [
{ internalType: "uint256", name: "tokenId", type: "uint256" },
name: "uri",
outputs: [{ internalType: "string", name: "", type: "string" }],
stateMutability: "view",
type: "function",
functionName: "uri",
args: ["1"],
authManager.readContract(contractDetails).then((result) => {
console.log("Contract read:", result);
// Add event listeners
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", () => {
.addEventListener("click", login);
.addEventListener("click", disconnect);
.addEventListener("click", signMessage);
.addEventListener("click", getAccount);
.addEventListener("click", sendTransaction);
.addEventListener("click", writeContract);
.addEventListener("click", readContract);
// events are available for both log out and log in functions
authManager.addEventListener("TRIA_LOGOUT", (event) => {
console.log("TRIA_LOGOUT event received:", event.detail);
body {
background: #f5f5f5;
font-family: "Arial", sans-serif;
height: 100vh;
display: flex;
.container {
margin-top: auto;
margin-bottom: auto;
max-width: 500px;
margin: auto;
background: white;
padding: 20px;
border-radius: 10px;
box-shadow: 0 4px 6px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1);
.title {
color: #333;
text-align: center;
margin-bottom: 20px;
.input-group {
margin-bottom: 20px;
input[type="text"] {
width: calc(100% - 24px);
padding: 10px;
border: 1px solid #ccc;
border-radius: 5px;
font-size: 16px;
margin: 10px;
button {
width: 100%;
padding: 10px;
border: none;
background: #2196f3;
color: white;
font-size: 16px;
border-radius: 5px;
cursor: pointer;
transition: background 0.3s;
margin: 10px;
button:hover {
background: #1976d2;
.footer {
text-align: center;
margin-top: 20px;
color: #777;
<div class="container">
<button id="login-button">Login</button>
<button id="custom-google-login">Google</button>
<button id="disconnect-button">Disconnect</button>
<input id="sign-input" type="text" placeholder="Message to sign" />
<button id="sign-button">Sign message</button>
<button id="acc-button">Get account</button>
<button id="send-button">Send transaction</button>
<button id="write-button">Write contract</button>
<button id="read-button">Read contract</button>
NuxtJS setup
If your NuxtJS is old (older than nuxt 3) and does not handle optional chaining parameters or nullish coalescing oeprators
Copy npm install @babel/plugin-proposal-nullish-coalescing-operator @babel/plugin-proposal-optional-chaining
create a file in your plugins folder named auth-manager.js
Copy import { AuthManager } from "@tria-sdk/authenticate-web";
export default ({ app }, inject) => {
// Initialize the AuthManager
const authManager = new AuthManager({
analyticsKey : {
clientId: "string",
projectId: "string"
// configure web 3 settings
chain: "MUMBAI",
environment: "mainnet",
// Inject the authManager into the app
inject("authManager", authManager);
update your nuxt config
Copy plugins: [{ src: "~/plugins/auth-manager.js", mode: "client" }],
build: {
babel: {
plugins: [
transpile: ["@tria-sdk/authenticate-web"],
Example NuxtJS component as below. the auth manager should now be usable across your app
Copy <template>
<div class="login-container">
<button v-if="!isLoggedIn" @click="login" class="login-btn">Login</button>
<div v-else class="actions-container">
<div class="action">
placeholder="Enter a message to sign"
<button @click="signMessage" class="action-btn">Sign Message</button>
<div class="action">
placeholder="Enter amount to send"
placeholder="Enter recipient address"
<button @click="sendTransaction" class="action-btn">
Send Transaction
<div class="action">
<button @click="writeContract" class="action-btn">
Write Contract
<button @click="readContract" class="action-btn">Read Contract</button>
<div class="action">
<button @click="disconnect" class="action-btn">Disconnect</button>
<div class="action">
<button @click="getAccountInfo" class="action-btn">Get Account</button>
export default {
data() {
return {
isLoggedIn: false,
message: "",
amount: 0,
recipientAddress: "",
account: null,
mounted() {
methods: {
checkLoginStatus() {
console.log("login status", this.$authManager.getAccount());
if (this.$authManager.getAccount()) {
console.log("login state", this.$authManager.isLoggedIn);
this.isLoggedIn = true;
} else {
this.isLoggedIn = false;
login() {
loginListen() {
this.$authManager.addEventListener("TRIA_LOGIN", () => {
console.log("setting login state");
this.isLoggedIn = true;
logoutListen() {
this.$authManager.addEventListener("TRIA_LOGOUT", () => {
this.isLoggedIn = false;
async disconnect() {
await this.$authManager.disconnect();
this.isLoggedIn = false;
async signMessage() {
if (this.message) {
const result = await this.$authManager.signMessage(this.message);
console.log("Signed message:", result);
async sendTransaction() {
if (this.amount && this.recipientAddress) {
const result = await this.$authManager.send(
console.log("Transaction sent:", result);
async writeContract() {
const contractDetails = {
contractAddress: "0x9f5033463b31D213462Ce03A81610364aa80Ba14",
abi: [
inputs: [
{ internalType: "uint256", name: "_tokenId", type: "uint256" },
{ internalType: "uint256", name: "_amount", type: "uint256" },
{ internalType: "address", name: "_claimer", type: "address" },
name: "airdropCoupon",
outputs: [],
stateMutability: "nonpayable",
type: "function",
functionName: "airdropCoupon",
args: [2, 1, "0xCA679c7e0a1E88C950F71A57dd457A39872DE640"],
const result = await this.$authManager.writeContract(contractDetails);
console.log("Contract written:", result);
async readContract() {
const contractDetails = {
contractAddress: "0x9f5033463b31D213462Ce03A81610364aa80Ba14",
abi: [
inputs: [
{ internalType: "uint256", name: "tokenId", type: "uint256" },
name: "uri",
outputs: [{ internalType: "string", name: "", type: "string" }],
stateMutability: "view",
type: "function",
functionName: "uri",
args: [
const result = await this.$authManager.readContract(contractDetails);
console.log("Contract read:", result);
getAccountInfo() {
this.account = this.$authManager.getAccount();
console.log("Account:", this.account);
<style scoped>
.login-container {
display: flex;
justify-content: center;
align-items: center;
height: 100vh;
background-color: #f5f5f5;
.login-btn {
padding: 10px 20px;
font-size: 16px;
cursor: pointer;
.actions-container {
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
align-items: center;
.action {
margin-bottom: 20px;
.input {
margin-right: 10px;
padding: 10px;
font-size: 14px;
.action-btn {
padding: 10px 20px;
font-size: 14px;
cursor: pointer;